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Thursday, February 9, 2012



Nyaman dan leluasa menjadi pilihan, tetap stylish dengan model drapery cantik. Bahan berkualitas Visron menjadi jaminan tidak berubah warna atau menipis setelah berulang kali proses pencucian.

Pelanggan setia Raaniya bisa bebas berkreasi tanpa perlu repot mencari kerudung, karena sebagai pelengkap disertakan pula kerudung dan bandananya juga.
Available S - M - L
Rp. 350.000 (Belt not included)


Nyaman dan leluasa menjadi pilihan, tetap stylish dengan model drapery cantik. Bahan berkualitas Visron menjadi jaminan tidak berubah warna atau menipis setelah berulang kali proses pencucian.

Pelanggan setia Raaniya bisa bebas berkreasi tanpa perlu repot mencari kerudung, karena sebagai pelengkap disertakan pula kerudung dan bandananya juga.

Available S - M - L
Rp. 350.000 (Belt not included)


Melengkapi koleksi berbusana Raaniya dengan setelan Culotte Pants + Square Top Flower Print.
Simple words to describe Edgy & Chic ! luv it

Hijab can be worn in two different style, the models wears it inside out to create draped style or you can wear the hijab in common style, add a flower pin or something to make your personal style.
Available S - M - L
Rp. 400.000 (Pin & Inner not included)


Melengkapi koleksi berbusana Raaniya dengan setelan Culotte Pants + Square Top Flower Print.
Simple words to describe Edgy & Chic ! luv it

Hijab can be worn in two different style, the models wears it inside out to create draped style or you can wear the hijab in common style, add a flower pin or something to make your personal style.

Available S - M - L
Rp. 400.000 (Pin & Inner not included)


Everlasting color Red and Black, and a touch of turqoise on belt. Black pearl accessorries are included.

Available S - M - L - XL
RP. 450.000 (hijab not included)

*** This outfit was special design for breastfeeding MOMS.
The Dress is made in layers. The outer layer is lifted up to reveal a zipper where the breast is made accessible. After breastfeeding, the outer layer covers the opening and the garment looks like something any women would wear.
For the zippered and pull-up types of clothing, there might be a few seconds in the beginning where someone might noticed that you are nursing a baby. However, after the baby is positioned, and you have settled into the job of breastfeeding, most people wouldn’t even know that your breast is exposed. Most passersby will think that you are cradling a sleeping baby :)

cara pemesanan:
inbox/sms ke-087881278708,, dengan cara ketik

koleksi lengkap cek di FACEBOOK

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